.. finally on 12th October 1906, the 'Bande Mataram' permanent office was acquired at 2/1 Creek Row behind 12, Wellington Square. The house belonged to Raja Subodh Mullick and it was here that the press was brought over..
Just behind Subodh Mullick's mansion is the house where the 'Bande Mataram' office was located. It was part of a series of houses which belonged to the same property; perhaps it was meant for distant relatives. A very narrow, virtually private lane separates the mansion from this block of more modest houses. One can even now see the back gate of the mansion almost facing what used to be the front door of the office, thereby suggesting that people could go easily from one house to the other...
A little door in a narrow lane - this is all one can see today. But it was from this tiny office, a hundred years ago, that the call for revolution had gone out....
'Bande Mataram' - A Daily Organ of Indian Nationalism
An Organ of Indian Nationalism
'Bande Mataram' was an English newspaper edited by Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo’s first preoccupation was to declare openly for complete and absolute independence as the aim of political action in India and to insist on this persistently in the pages of the journal.
The journal declared and developed a new political programme for the country as the programme of the Nationalist Party, non-cooperation, passive resistance, Swadeshi, Boycott, national education, settlement of disputes in law by popular arbitration and other items of Sri Aurobindo's plan. Sri Aurobindo published in the paper a series of articles on passive resistance, another developing a political philosophy of revolution and wrote many leaders aimed at destroying the shibboleths and superstitions of the Moderate Party.
The Bande Mataram was almost unique in journalistic history in the influence it exercised in converting the mind of a people and preparing it for revolution.
The Bande Mataram was almost unique in journalistic history in the influence it exercised in converting the mind of a people and preparing it for revolution.
A Force None Dared to Ignore
"Bande Mataram" ... at once secured for itself a recognised position in Indian journalism. The hand of the master was in it, from the very beginning. Its bold attitude, its vigorous thinking, its clear ideas, its chaste and powerful diction, its scorching sarcasm and refined witticism, were unsurpassed by any journal in the country, either Indian or Anglo-Indian. It at once raised the tone of every Bengali paper, and compelled the admiration of even hostile Anglo-Indian editors. Morning after morning, not only Calcutta but the educated community almost in every part of the country, eagerly awaited its vigorous pronouncements on the stirring question of the day. It even forced itself upon the notice of the callous and self-centered British press. Long extracts from it commenced to be reproduced week after week even in the exclusive columns of the "Times" in London. It was a force in the country which none dared to ignore, however much they might fear or hate it...
Bipin Chandra Pal
Voice of Nationalist Extremism
"It had a full-size sheet, was clearly printed on green paper, and was full of leading and special articles written in English with a brilliance and pungency not hitherto attained in the Indian Press. It was the most effective voice of what we then called nationalist extremism."
Extract from S. K. Ratcliffe, a previous editor of The Statesman, in a letter to the Manchester Guardian of 28 December 1950
Fiery Words
..The words of Bande Mataram will drive out your fear; steel your arms with the might of thunder; fire will course through your veins;...
Brahmabandhav Upadhyay in Sandhya newspaper
Intellectual Feast
"... I spare no opportunity of recommending your excellent paper to my friends as well as those whom I meet. For me it is generally an intellectual feast and it is my earnest desire that nothing will happen to mar its usefulness. It is doing a splendid service. May it live long is the earnest prayer..."
Lajpat Rai wrote (on 4 May 1907, just five days before his deportation):
Arrest Warrant for Sri Aurobindo in Bande Mataram Sedition Case
Police Search at 2/1 Creek Row
On 30 July 1907, the 'Bande Mataram' Office premises at 2/1 Creek Row, were searched. A body-warrant was furnished but not served. The next day the 'Bande Mataram' described the raid in its columns.
"The wolf has come at last.... Inspector Lahiri with the Casabianca like devotion to duty ransacked every creek and corner of the Manager's office and caught hold of everything that bore the semblance of paper.... They spent nearly two hours in the Office of the Joint Stock Company and went on with the same monotonous investigation and after a laborious search Lahiri afterwards stepped out of the room and paced the corridor heroically, carrying in both of his hands a cart load of booty. Lahiri seems to be the presiding genius of the Detective Department. Nothing escapes his vigilance; he suspects sedition bacillus in every bit of paper, closely eyes it, devours its contents and includes it into his trophy. Then they turned-towards the editorial room where the whole staff offered to sweeten their labour by jovial talk, evil retorts and repartees...Here ends the much expected search and the sequel will be felt in due time."
On 16.August.1907, at about 11 a.m., a Detective Officer went to the 'Bande Mataram' Office premises at 2/1 Creek Row and informed that a warrant had been issued for the arrest of Sri Aurobindo (as reported in 'The Bengalee' newspaper). more
Commemorative Plaque
Commemorative Plaque
Sri Aurobindo's auspicious presence graced this house, which served as the Office of 'Bande Mataram' newspaper.
Old: 2/1, Creek Row. New: 4/1-A, Gangaram Palit Lane.
It was in the 'Bande Mataram' Sedition case that Sri Aurobindo was arrested for the first time.
Unveiled by Smt. Kamalprabhu Basu, wife of Raja Subodh Chandra Mallick, on 15.August.1990
Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872 at No. 4 Theatre Road. This property is now known as 'Sri Aurobindo Bhavan', which came into being through a Government Act in 1972...
Sri Aurobindo usually resided in this house as a guest of Raja Subodh Chandra Mullick on his visits to Calcutta. 12, Wellington Square thus became a hub of the Nationalist movement and its silent witness...
2/1, Creek Row served as the permanent office and press of 'Bande Mataram' - the English newspaper edited by Sri Aurobindo, which prepared the mind of the people for the Nationalist revolution...
Bengal National College, with Sri Aurobindo as its first Principal, operated from 191/1 Bowbazar Street and was later shifted to 164 & 166 Bowbazar street in 1907...
23, Scott Lane served as residence of Sri Aurobindo for a brief period in 1908. Bal Gangadhar Tilak had visited him at least once during his stay here...
'Uttarpara Speech', in which Sri Aurobindo for the first time spoke publicly of his Yoga and his spiritual experiences, was made here on 30.May.1909...
4, Shyampukur Lane served as the office of 'Karmayogin' and 'Dharma' newspaper. It was here that Sri Aurobindo received a sudden 'command from above' to go to Chandernagore (in Feb 1910)...
Sri Aurobindo remained in secret residence at Chandernagore, entirely engaged in Sadhana, from mid-February to end-March in 1910 before proceeding to Pondicherry...