Arun Nursery School has embraced the concept of 'Theme Teaching'. Learning and social skills, as well as important concepts, are developed in children through this approach.
It has been found that the children who have been exposed to this method of teaching have developed greater self-confidence, awareness, thinking skills and learning readiness.
This approach emphasises Concept over Content and helps the child develop a holistic outlook towards life.
Yoga classes held regularly
A part of daily routine
Gymanstics and Yoga form a major part of Physical Education
Learning the tricks
A game that all children love to play
Children love their free-play time
Music classes are held regularly.
Learning about 'dry' and 'wet'.
Learning to fold a raincoat.
Creativity in children is given due importance through various activities.
Learning to work in a group - sharing resources.
Learning simple chores to become self reliant.
Learning from Nature
Enhancing speaking skills through circle time.
Children performing to celebrate 'Durga Puja'.