A series of workshops were conducted by former students of The Future Foundation School, Abhilasha Sinha and Rhine Sengupta for students of classes 3 and 4 - studying French as Salient Language.
The activity with the two Resource Persons who have already been submerged in the French culture from a very young age, was enriching for the students of the French section.
The four different workshops were based on artistic movements, dance and music, cinema and cuisine.
The final presentation on August 23, 2018, was attended by the students from French sections of classes 1 to 4, the Principal Mr. Ranjan Mitter and the Attachée for Cooperation in French Language, Laetitia Lompech.
The participants of the artistic movements workshop showed their paintings and spoke about the differences between Surrealism, Fauvism, Pointillism and Cubism, as diplayed in the French library of the school.
Little dancers danced their heart out on Alors on danse, a famous french song by Stromaë.
The posters of the movie Ratatouille, prepared by the pupils were also on display at the venue.
At the end of the program everyone tasted Ratatouille and Crème caramel, the two famous French dishes prepared by the students with the help of the kitchen staff.