3, Regent Park
Pincode - 700040
8697132140 | 8336069408 | 8336069406
(033) 24116262 | (033) 24116265
Mon to Fri - 10 AM to 4 PM
Sat - 10 AM to 12:30 PM
Mon to Fri - 10 AM to 4 PM
Sat - 10 AM to 12:30 PM
8336069408 | 8336069406
(033) 24116262 | (033) 24116265
Mon to Sat - 8:20 AM to 4 PM
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"I have clicked on Subscribe but I cannot find your email in my inbox!"
In this case, we suggest whitelisting our domain. Read on to know more.
Many email programmes are generally able to distinguish good email messages from spam or junk email. When an email programme detects suspicious content in a message or when the message comes from a suspicious address, the programme automatically sends that message to the spam or junk folder. Sometimes, an email message from a legitimate sender is incorrectly judged as spam and goes to the spam or junk folder.
One can change settings such that emails from a certain sender become acceptable and are always sent to the Inbox. This is known as safe-listing or white-listing an email address.
Adding our "from" address postmaster@sriaurobindoinstitute.org to the "address book", "safe list", "whitelist" or "contact list" will usually work.
Check your "spam", "bulk" or "junk" folder. If our email is there, look for a way to indicate that it is not spam. For example, try selecting the email and clicking a button such as "Not Spam", "Not Junk" or "Mark as safe".